Win Social Media with Your Artwork by Following These Tips

Getting exposure can be one of your motivations as an artist. The exposure you get can inspire you to work harder. There’s a lot of ways to get discovered especially if you’re a new artist. One of them is by boosting your online presence. And one platform that can help you with that is social media.

With almost 4.5 billion active users around the world, social media can boost your exposure. It’s a tool that you can definitely use to enhance your online presence as an artist. And of course, you can use this as a secondary portfolio. It’s a great venue to introduce your artworks to the world.

However, it’s still going to be a rough ride to get the recognition your artworks deserve. Social media is a vast platform. There’s a lot of other things people can take interest in there aside from looking at some artworks. So how can you win the crowd? What are the most effective ways to promote your artworks on social media? Here are some tips that can be useful for you.

Sign up to different platforms

Social media is a battlefield. If you want to boost your online exposure, you should expand your coverage. Do this by signing up for multiple social media accounts. You may never know where you can accumulate a large following. It’s better to get as many social media accounts as you can. Having many venues to display your work can give you more chances of being recognized.

Not just that, it can also show your artworks to a wide range of people. Having many social media accounts can give your artworks better chances of getting noticed by a larger audience.

Put your best works out there

kid painting

Research says that people’s attention span can last only up to 8 seconds. That’s 4 seconds less compared to 2000 according to Microsoft who conducted the survey. If that’s the case, you should work on selecting the best artworks that you’re going to put on social media. Choose the ones that can easily turn heads.

They should be eye-catching. It’s important, so they can instantly draw attention to social media users. You can check which one is your most popular artwork. Feature it on your social media account. Put it on the cover of your profile. Highlight it as your best work.

Make your content relatable

Artworks can be complicated for the spectators sometimes. If you’re vying for people’s adoration of your craft, you better make your works easier to digest. This means you have to make your artwork relatable to the audience. Make them easy to absorb by the people on social media. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to change your art style. You just have to consider the way you present them.

You can create explainer videos for your work or essays that expound your creative process. Get more audience on your social media platform. Do this by presenting your works in a way that would effortlessly resonate with people.

Join social circles online

Having connections can increase your chances of raising your online presence. Don’t hesitate on making friends with fellow artists. They’re the ones who can support you while you’re growing your social media followers. Join Facebook groups where you can feature your work. Some artists will be very supportive of your craft if they liked your work. These artists can share your work with their audience and followers. That’s an instant exposure for you and works already. Expand your network by joining social media circles online.

Support other artists

If you’re able to get support from fellow artists, you should return the favor. This doesn’t only benefit them. This can also bring an audience to you. The newfound attention could come from the fans of the artists you’re throwing your support for. This can make the fans of your fellow artist check out your work too.

If these people liked your work, they can look into your other social media accounts. They’ll eventually immerse themselves into your work. It’s not that long of a shot as long as you keep showing your love to your fellow artists. That’s how declaring genuine support for other artists can boost your social media engagement.

Getting a decent amount of social media followers can be very challenging. It can’t happen overnight unless your post gets viral. But for most artists, establishing social media fans can be tedious. It can get time-consuming for some. But if you’re able to get the attention of your target audience, you have to maintain it. You have to consistently follow some practices above that work for you.

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